Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Netflix Movie Reviews Vol 1: The Crazies

This is the first Used Movie Review by Mr. Duke so I have explain how I roll.  I watch movies via Netflix, a great service, and I will review them as they come.  My rating system will be a up to 4 scale, 1 for each of Duke's Championships.  1 being very bad (i.e. UNC last year) 4 being very good (JJ Redick's shooting stroke).

The Crazies (2010) - Directed by Breck Fisner

- Ok I like a corny, campy, "I am not going to have to think about anything other than where is my soda and popcorn" type movie from time to time as you'll see in future movie reviews.  "The Crazies" is just that, a remake of the George A. Romero 1973 horror picture of the same name.  The movie doesn't let you breathe much early, the action starts immediately with a zombie like farmer wielding a shotgun.  Don't expect much of a let down from there until about an hour and a half later. 

What do you want from a scary movie?  Realism, startling scares and gross gore?  You get 2 out of 3.  They try hard to make you believe that if a plane carrying a mysterious toxin of the US governments crashes in the local towns water supply and makes everyone nuts could happen.  Yet, there are multiple parts of the movie in which you go "wait his eyes are shut...sewn shut in could he see.....wait if drinking water would contaminate then wouldn't an open wound to open wound blood swap....wait a minute...oh wait yeah its a horror movie."  So with that the realism I can't give to this movie but it has enough startling scares and gore to keep everyone happy and able to look past the lack of realism.  Pitch fork through he stomach a few times enough to keep you from saying "Wait why in the world in an evacuated city would they go to this person's house and stand in that roo.....WHOLLY KNIFE THROUGH THE HAND AND THEN THE NECK!!" (you'll get that later)

I recommend this film though if this is what you are looking for.  The acting isn't ridiculously horrible.  The creepy parts are creepy, the spots in which you are supposed to jump at something you do, and in the end....nah I won't do that.  Disconnect your brain for a hour and a half and enjoy some thrills.

2 1/2 out of 4 Duke Championships.

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